Management Team
Dairy SolutioNZ (NZ) Ltd will assemble the very best team possible to deliver agricultural developments that are right for the client. A key feature of our service is to offer a ‘best of breed’ solution – we don’t have preferred supplier contracts which could limit access to new and improved technologies. Instead we scope and choose the very best products and services to fit the agricultural need. Having said that, there are a core team of NZ suppliers who offer superior service and skills and can operate in a global context – we have established excellent working relationships with this core of companies and can swing a project into action very quickly as a result.
CEO D&B Solutionz
Derek is the CEO of Dairy (&Beef) Solutionz (NZ) Ltd specializing in the transfer and adaptation of NZ pasture based systems and technologies to tropical climates. Derek was the Chief Executive Officer of Waikato Innovation Park Ltd from 2003 to 2012 and had accountability for all aspects of the Waikato Innovation Park. Derek has led a number of key initiatives for WIP including Integrated Farm Management, facilitating the Ag Bio NZ Cluster and establishment of the NZFIW, NZs only independent product development powder drying factory. Derek has moved full time to CEO Solutionz. Prior to this role Derek was a specialist in asset management at Ernst & Young.

Paul Bardoul
Chief Technical Officer Pasture Plus
Paul is a dairy farmer and is an owner/operator of intensive dairy farming operations both in New Zealand and Australia and has a coastal Beef operation in New Zealand. His particular area of interest is in the profitable and efficient operation of dairy cow feedlots, dairy cow nutrition and dairy farm design

Paul Sharp
Chief Technical Officer Pasture Plus
Paul is a dairy farmer with 17 years expertise in pastoral dairy farming systems development, implementation and monitoring in NZ and internationally as a private consultant. Previously he has held positions in research/management at AgResearch, and nutrition business development with several NZ feed companies.

Peter Hapeta
Offshore Farm Development Manager
Peter was brought up with his parents and extended family in the rural Horowhenua township of Levin. He was influenced greatly by his elders from Ngatokowaru Marae at Hokio where his family spent a great deal of time fulfilling their whanau (family), hapu (sub-tribe) and Iwi (Tribe) obligations.
Educated at Horowhenua College, Peter left to complete a Carpentry apprenticeship after which he commenced an 18 year career with the Public Service working firstly with the Department of Social Welfare where he completed a Certificate in Counselling and a Diploma in Social Work at Victoria University and thereafter with the Department of Conservation.
Peter’s Maori cultural background enabled him to achieve senior management roles within both organisations working at the cross cultural interface developing relationships between those Government agencies and Iwi Maori.
Peter retired from the Public Service to enter the dairy industry in 1995 as an Assistant Herd Manager and has since this time gained valuable experience progressing through to Herd Management, Sharemilking, and Operations Management across the full range of low and high input dairy systems and herd sizes up to 2000 cows.
Muhammad Naveed Alyas
ICT Project Manager
Naveed is working as ICT Project Manager and is taking care of ICT projects initiated by the organization.
Naveed has over 21 years’ experience in computer software development industry specifically in business process evaluation & re-engineering, system analysis, architecture, development, deployment, support, integration, training, quality assurance, and customer services with the focus on providing the recipient with the highest quality software and IT products.
Naveed has developed and deployed software solutions in Telecom, health, dairy & agriculture, education, and supply & chain industry.

Arron McKoy
Project Manager
Lead for DSL projects in Nigeria and Somaliland including a laboratory for export testing, beef finishing and processing and a cattle breeding centre. Arron works in a consulting role, interpreting client requirements and translating experts’ designs into a cohesive solution. He is experienced in transformation and change management often within large and complex environments including local government and healthcare in both UK and NZ. After a role as a health commissioner in the NHS leading several specialty areas including designing and procuring health services, he returned to working with DSL.

Ali Issa
African Representative
Ali was previously a commodity trader between Ethiopia and Djibouti. Commercially speaking, he has been very influential both at Government and Community levels in Ethiopia, Ghana, among other African countries. Ali is very well acquainted in both East and West African culture and is familiar with many business and Governmental personnel in these regions. At the moment he is looking for new business opportunities for DSL in Ethiopia and other African countries as well as Middle East. Ali is also multilingual , he is fluent in Arabic, English, French, Somali and Amharic.

Paul Gibson
Offshore Farm Development Manager
He is currently managing a project on field in conjunction with Corpoica, to implement a NZ style dairy farm in Colombia. The project is based around the efficiencies of producing milk from a grass based system.
His key responsibilities among others include, total system implementation, regrass the entire farm utilizing NZ rye grass and white clover, re-fence the entire farm with a permanent NZ style fencing system, implement a breeding plan with NZ genetics, oversee the construction and conversion of the dairy shed with NZ components, installation of a new water reticulation system providing fresh water to every paddock in troughs manufactured at the farm, implement an effluent management plan and install the effluent system, likewise liaise with the administration staff during the purchasing phase and an ongoing commitment to provide information back to the NZ office through regular skype meetings and reporting.