Global, Large Scale, Intensive Beef Production

The red meat sector is a major contributor to New Zealand’s export revenue. NZ exports of red meat and related products were worth NZ$6.5 billion in the year ended June 2009, which means 15% of New Zealand’s total export revenues. New Zealand is also an important beef exporter. In 2007, New Zealand was responsible for 1% of global production by volume, but contributed with 7% of global exports.

New Zealand companies exporting beef to Korea and Japan pay tariffs of around 40%. Despite this significant barrier, Korea and Japan are New Zealand’s 2nd and 3rd largest beef markets, worth $181 million and $180 million respectively in 2008. Out-of-quota beef exports to Europe are subject to tariffs of 12.8% plus charges of €1.4 to €3.0 per kg; a significant barrier to any exports over New Zealand’s small 1,300 tonne beef quota.

Industrial agricultural land development utilising the latest technology and research will deliver improved performance and profits. Corporate farmers, meat and wool industry organisations, and regional and national bodies are all recognising the need to maximise both the quantity and quality of production. Beef SolutioNZ (NZ) Ltd offers the pathway to achieving this goal.

Recognised World Leader

New Zealand is a recognised world leader in low cost farm production systems.

Waikato Innovation Park acts as the central partner in a commercial consortium of established agricultural producers and suppliers – Beef SolutioNZ (NZ) Ltd. This consortium, which combines the vast experience, technology and delivery capabilities of the AgBio Cluster, provides leading edge, low cost, sustainable farm production systems.

We design and build (or convert) large scale farm operations that adopt leading low cost technologies and systems. A feature of our offering is the “Best of Breed” turnkey solutions for large scale land development and technology deployment. We also deliver support and education for ongoing farm operations.

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